Next on the list of character types are the sidekick and the henchman. There can be one or more of each of these characters. Though they don’t play a huge part in the overall story, they are important characters who help build up internal conflict for your protagonist. While the guide and contagonist stir up external conflict, the sidekick and henchman have a more personal impact.


The main point of a sidekick is to be a loyal friend to the protagonist. He can be a best friend and confidant. The sidekick will bolster the main character when he needs it by giving encouragement in hard times. This character helps the protagonist not feel so alone in his fight against evil.

The sidekick can give minor help to the protagonist throughout the story, but overall this character isn’t powerful. The help needs to be minor but timely. The protagonist cannot win in the end without this character. Examples of sidekicks are R2-D2 and C-3PO (Star Wars) and Sevro (Red Rising).


A henchman’s reason for existence is to attack the protagonist’s self-esteem. This heckler will nag and poke until the main character starts to doubt himself. The henchman will oppose the protagonist, but it isn’t always because he serves the antagonist. He will have his own reasons for wanting the protagonist to suffer, and they will usually be petty reasons.

The henchman does have the opportunity to turn from the dark side. At times, the story will end with the henchman and the protagonist mending their issues and respecting one another. The henchman could even help the protagonist in the end. This is not always the case, but it’s a possibility to consider when developing your henchman. Some examples of henchmen are Bonzo (Ender’s Game) and Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle (Harry Potter).

Final Thoughts

Though playing a minor role, sidekicks and henchmen are important to the story. They help show the more human aspects of the protagonist and show internal conflict. The protagonist has to decide if he should listen to the encouragement of the sidekick or the insults of the henchman. Once the main character overcomes his internal doubts and fears, he can move on to triumphing in the final battle against the antagonist.

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