The last pair of characters I’m going to discuss at this time is the love interest and the temptress. These may seem straightforward, especially in the romance genre, but they are more complicated than they appear. They can also be present in any genre. The love interest and the temptress are the characters who influence your protagonist the most.

Love Interest

This character type is the protagonist’s true love.  The love interest to a protagonist is a motivation to do good since the love interest typically leads the main character to the light or good side. Every step the protagonist takes toward doing good will take him closer to his love interest as well.

While this can be true love for a person, it can also be for a thing. The love interest is whatever the protagonist’s biggest inspiration is to be better and fight against evil. The motivation behind his actions. It can be his homeland, a dream for the future, or a person. Examples of love interests are Edward Cullen (Twilight) and Harry’s desire to live up to his parents’ legacy (Harry Potter).


If the love interest influences the protagonist to do good, the temptress pulls him toward evil. This character is often beautiful and appealing to the protagonist. Using that allure, the temptress will try to convince the protagonist to serve evil.

As with the love interest, the temptress can be a person or thing. It’s whatever tempts the protagonist to join the dark side. The One Ring (The Lord of the Rings) and Morgause (The Once and Future King) are examples of temptresses.

Final Thoughts

The love interest and the temptress have the most sway over the protagonist. While the guide and contagonist affect the protagonist’s skills and the sidekick and henchman strengthen or weaken his mind, it’s the love interest and the temptress who touch his heart—the very core of his being. This is where the battle truly lies, and, once decided, it will affect how the external battles end.

Thanks for reading!

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