Giving thanks for what we have is a good exercise, especially for writers. In a world where things can change on a dime, you have to be good at focusing on the positive. I’m doing something a little different this week. I want to give thanks for the authors that came before us and look at how we can build them up. If you love books and enjoy reading more than most things in life, keep reading and do this one little assignment to show appreciation for authors.

Being an author isn’t a glamorous job. If you’re searching for fame and fortune, it’s best to look elsewhere. This job is about passion for stories. You have to be prepared for people to care about your book and not you. There are some authors who are well known. Ones like Stephen King, James Patterson, and Agatha Christie that have name recognition over book recognition. This is the exception and not the rule.

Most authors can only hope to have a popular book. Gone With The Wind. Twilight. Red Rising. Harry Potter. The average reader will recognize these titles. They won’t always recognize Margaret Mitchell, Stephenie Meyer, Pierce Brown, or J.K. Rowling. Of those who recognize the author names, nearly none of them can pick out the authors in a lineup. An author’s life isn’t like being a movie star. Very few people give the author much thought unless they are avid fans. (And we absolutely love those readers.)

That being said, I think, as authors and aspiring authors, we need to show some appreciation for those who paved a path before us. Thanksgiving is coming up, and it makes me think of what I’m grateful for in my life. Authors are high on my list. This week, I plan to reach out to an author, Jenny B. Jones, who really impacted me and let her know how much I’ve enjoyed her stories over the years. There’s no better way to show appreciation for authors than to buy their books, but it’s nice to tell them as well.

Your Assignment

I want to encourage you to pick an author whose book (or books) you’ve really enjoyed. It needs to be someone who is still alive. Then send them an email. Depending on how big an author he or she is, it may or may not get read, but it’s still nice to pass on a little encouragement. One day, you may be the one wanting the encouragement, and hearing from a fan may be what you need. So, regardless of when you are reading this post, take a moment to reach out to an author and pass on a bit of cheer.

Thanks for reading!

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