“I seek to write stories that not only deliver adventure and wonder but that provide connection, purpose, and truth to those who read them. I want you to finish my books with a sense of camaraderie that makes you feel empowered, uplifted, and maybe just a bit cunning.”
As a child, Liz Verity created stories while she waited for sleep to claim her. Each night, she invented a story in her head until she fell asleep and then continued where she left off the next night. Tales that started as playground dramas grew into epic quests in magical lands.
She began writing down her stories in college to cope with stress—because she’s a natural overachiever and pursued a double major and a double minor degree. That level of stress led to the creation of her muse, Aly. Together they traipsed across new worlds and outwitted any adversary—both imagined and real. Aly kept her rejuvenated through college and then graduate school. It wasn’t until three years into a “real job” that Aly suggested they make writing fantasy novels a career, and Liz agreed whole-heartedly.
Liz has a master’s degree in Forensic Linguistics that gives her a unique approach to twisting words and conveying meaning. She uses these skills to craft great plot twists, which have won her some regional writing competitions.
When not writing or reading a book, Liz goes on adventures in unknown lands. She has traveled to 14 countries, and she’s always looking for a new place to visit.
Liz sometimes blurs the line between reality and imagination by pretending she can fly. She does extreme sports like parasailing, bungee jumping, and skydiving.
When not on a quest, Liz resides in Missouri with her dog, Hattie, who lives up to her namesake—the Mad Hatter.
Learn more about Liz by following her on Facebook and Instagram (@authorlizverity), and stay up to date on her writing journey by joining her email list!