You decided to pursue a writing career, and you can find an infinite number of books and websites on the topic. Some of these are goldmines, and others seem to use a lot of words without actually conveying any meaning. Authors in the middle or end of their careers write these resources to help the newbies. While they do have the authority behind what they say, I feel like most of them forget what it’s like to start from scratch. They overlook the small hurtles that seem like mountains to a new writer.
I aim to fill that void. I’ve been writing fiction books for ten years now, but I didn’t decide to publish and write for a living until just recently. I started writing in college even though my degree had nothing to do with English. It became a hobby until, one day, I realized I’d rather write than do anything else. It was time to make it a career.
That, my friends, is the first step in any writer’s career. You have to claim it. I am a writer. Say it out loud.
I am a writer.
Every writer suffers from self-doubt. To make it in this field, you have to be confident and persistent. You will be criticized, and your work will get rejected. But if you can endure and stay determined, you will be successful. Stop saying you want to be a writer and start being one.
This blog is my way of joining you on your career path. Though no two authors’ journeys are the same, we all have to jump certain hurtles at some point in our career. Come learn beside me. I’m sure I’ll make mistakes, and, hopefully, you can avoid repeating those. But the important thing is that we learn.
Thanks for reading!
Write a tale
Leave a trail